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Protestera mot social dumpning

Det är dags att ta socialdumpning som rika företag håller på med, på allvar.
Hjälp till du också och protestera mot IKEAs sätt att dumpa löner och villkor inom transportbranschen.

Unions representing transport workers in Belgium and the Netherlands are furious with IKEA, which they accuse of "social dumping". IKEA is bringing in cheap labour from eastern European countries to transport their products.  These workers have few rights, are paid far less than the going rate in western Europe, and are often forced to sleep in their trucks.

IKEA is refusing to talk to the unions about this, denying all responsibility.

Please send a strong message in support of transport workers in Belgium and the Netherlands:

In Europe thousands of jobs in the transport sector have been lost because of social dumping. Transport companies have founded companies in Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, and other countries. They hire drivers in those countries, and they come to Belgium and the Netherlands for three up to nine months. They are forced to live in their truck. Furthermore, they are not paid according to the rules. And existing legislation about cabotage is not always respected. IKEA, well known all over the world, is using these techniques: the transport company they are working with in Belgium and the Netherlands, uses these techniques. IKEA has been contacted by both BTB/ABVV (the Belgian trade union) and FNV Bondgenoten (the Dutch trade union), but continues to decline all responsibility.

Annat: Transport, 2, 3

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